Dobco Medical Systems is helping radiologists in the fight against Covid-19, with a mandate from the Belgian government..

During the coronavirus crisis, Dobco Medical Systems is providing a safe, fast and accessible option for Belgian and Dutch radiologists to work from home free of charge via PACSonWEB. This solution allows hospitals to work together or to centralise their reporting process. Dobco Medical Systems has received a mandate for this from the Belgian government, via the anti-corona task force.

Dobco Medical Systems is making the PACSonWEB home reading solution available free of charge. This allows a radiologist to draft reports remotely - at home or elsewhere - without any infrastructure, VPN or hospital software. Using an app on his own smart phone and the PACSonWEB platform, he can easily, safely and quickly draft a report without VPN and without requiring access to a work station. With the correct authorisation, the reporting can be centralised in a very short time frame, or it can be set up in such a way that various hospitals can collaborate.

This solution will be of particular interest to radiologists who do not have a home office and who need to be able to draft reports at home, but also to hospitals who want or need to collaborate on the reporting of the studies.

Both solutions can be implemented very quickly. If a hospital is already connected to PACSonWEB, then the only step that is required is to activate the application. Hospitals that are not connected yet can follow an accelerated connection procedure, or the hospital can use the functionality without connection, via a web upload of the images.

No fewer than seventeen hospitals are already using this technology during the coronavirus crisis.

Questions? Please contact us via or via +32 (052) 77 01 15 (for Belgium) or +31 (0)16 778 81 10 (for the Netherlands).

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