Teleradiology, time and cost gains with implementation of PACSonWEB at VISIORAD and Radiologische Allianz
Two radiology practices with clinics across the greater Hamburg area – VISIORAD (8 clinics) and Radiologische Allianz (15 clinics) – have implemented the PACSonWEB cloud solution at all their practice locations. Featuring portals for referring physicians and patients, PACSonWEB is expanding efficiencies, enabling improved patient care and uncovering new business opportunities for the radiology practices, including expanded teleradiology partnerships with hospitals.

For Radiologische Allianz, the implementation of PACSonWEB has allowed it to expand its partnerships, like the teleradiology service it now provides for doctors at the LungenClinic Grosshansdorf in Schleswig-Holstein. Doctors on duty can now easily access all radiological images of both outpatients and inpatients from anywhere, anytime, speeding up treatment decisions and improving the quality of treatment for patients. The time, material and cost savings achieved with the implementation of PACSonWEB across Radiologische Allianz’s 15 locations are also significant. Patient care has been improved: referring doctors can now digitally view radiological images directly after examinations take place, allowing them to more efficiently and quickly treat their patients.
At VISIORAD, the speed and efficiency benefits of digitization were the primary goals in implementing the PACSonWEB web-based PACS solution, including portals for referring physicians and patients, across all 8 clinic locations. “Nowadays, radiological images and reports should be available for the referring doctor in the best quality, immediately after they are created,” says Dr. Maik Jörgensen, Chief Radiologist at VISIORAD. “This allows us to save valuable time and instantly exchange important information via digital channels.” For VISIORAD, the PACSonWEB solution has also simplified and accelerated collaboration opportunities with the practice’s partners, like the doctors at the Regio Kliniken GmbH - Klinikum Pinneberg, a mid-sized hospital in Pinneberg, where the doctors are very enthusiastic about the unprecedented image viewing and collaboration features.
PACSonWEB was implemented within a few months at all the practice locations without interrupting any important applications or business processes. Answering questions and solving any issues along the way was the priority for the PACSonWEB implementation team, ensuring that the process went smoothly.
Now that PACSonWEB is in place, realizing the benefits and potential of the cloud has only just begun, including new opportunities for collaboration and more, both for the practice locations and for radiology services across the region.