PACSonWEB 3.3.400: new version simplifies and speeds up reporting

New templates, shortcuts and enhancements to speech recognition function

The goal with PACSonWEB V. 3.3.400: help you work faster and more intuitively. We’ve listened to our users, and focused this latest round of upgrades on streamlining reporting work for radiologists and transcriptionists.

Watch the video to see the highlights of V. 3.3.400 in action.



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These are some of the new enhancements in PACSonWEB version 3.3.400:

Dbullet Improved usability for spine labeling, now easier and more intuitive
Now showing Delta, so it’s easy to note down opposite angle, which is especially helpful for studies of knees and legs
Clear indication now shown between prior studies and current sequence, so order of studies is never in question
Can now choose and drag multiple files to another location or study (rather than selecting and moving files one-by-one)
Ability to change location of worklist dashboard to match your preference (for example if you wish to eliminate any difference in image heights when viewing multiple monitors)
Can now include PDFs in patient documents for more complete patient files
New Scale Ruler added (especially useful in Oncology, it can be shown or hidden)
New shortcuts added to use keys for speech mic and foot pedal integrations
 Improvements to window leveling options for images with larger grayscale range
Improved usability of EPD links for external reporting, you can define shortcuts, reduce clicks and choose how URLs are opened for external applications.


There are also significant improvements to the browser-based speech recognition function in PACSonWEB version 3.3.400: 

Dbullet The speech recognition application is now in thread instead of a separate process, providing better and faster performance within the browser
Dbullet Improved reporting and correction workflows log report status and indicate progress
Dbullet Can easily insert text blocks and templates with voice command or keys (which are populated with relevant information from selected fields)
Dbullet Reports are saved in the background, as you prep next speech document
Dbullet Improved synchronous playback, featuring enhanced FFWD and RWD capability
Dbullet Can delete audio by dictating over a sentence (or insert additional audio at chosen location in report)
Dbullet Speech documents are purged after 30 days
The full technical release notes are available here.



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